Mahafali March 2017
Tunafuraha kutangaza kuwa EQWIP Hubs Zanzibar imefanya maghafali ya tatu kwa washiriki wake wa mafunzo ya Awamu ya 6 na 7 . Ambapo jumla ya washiriki 73 wamefanikiwa kukamilisha mafunzo ya miezi 3 na kupata taaluma mbali mbali ikiwemo mawasiliano, Uongozi, Ukomavu wa kifedha na uelewa wa kidigitali . Tunafuraha kumshukuru mgeni rasmi Naibu Waziri ofisi ya makamo wa pili wa rais na wageni wengine waalikwa akiwemo Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Mamlaka ya Mafunzo ya Amali Zanziba, Mkurugenzi Idara ya Maendeleo ya Vijana Zanzibar. Siku hii ilipambwa na Hutuba za uhamasishaji, Sherehe mbali mbali na ukataji wa keki ya kuadhimisha mwaka mmoja wa EQWIP HUBs Zanzibar , Hongereni washiriki wote, sisi EQWIP Hubs tunasheherekea mafanikio yenu ya sasa na ya baadae.
We are proud to announce that EQWIP Hubs Zanzibar held it third graduation ceremony for participants from cohorts 6 & 7. 73 participants successfully completed the 3 month program and have gained communication, leadership, financial fitness and digital literacy skills. We would like to thank our special guests which include the Zanzibar Director of VTA Zanzibar, Director of the Department of Youth Zanzibar, and guest of honour Assistant Minister of 2nd Vice President. The day was filled with motivating speeches, celebration and cake! Congratulations to the recent graduates, we at EQWIP Hubs celebrate their current and future success.

Maddalena Vani
Acerca de Mí
Maddalena is from Toronto, Canada. She has an MA from the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs. Maddalena is also a former intern at the United Nation's Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, where she worked at the Universal Periodic Review Department. She is also the founder of the first youth-run organization in the City of Vaughan called the Kleinburg Leo Club.